Dungeon Tattletale
left click - on skeleton to control/uncontrol him
right click - to make mage shoot a fireball
WASD - move
R - restart
Lead the knight to the area within the green line
While the knight is within the area, all skeletons must be dead to progress
The knight will target the nearest skeleton
The knight will first try to match the skeletons up/down position, then he will move left/right to kill the skeleton
Skeletons can die from knight, spikes, fireballs
You're a skeleton, made only to protect the dungeon with your life(or without). After all this boring dungeon protecting and nagging of your boss, you get sick of it. You make a plan with all the other skeletons, which have the same opinion as you. On this day, you will lead the hero directly to your bosses lair and take over.
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Cool concept! I like the art and the music fits.
Would really appreciate it if you tried out my game :P
Cool concept! I had a little bit of an issue where the knight killed my skeleton OUTSIDE the green space and the game just basically lost and I had to restart. It should probably restart automatically or say you lost if this is intentional.
The knight can kill your skeleton if he gets too close, if the knight isn't in the green zone and your skeletons are dead, you can just press R to restart the room. It will only automatically restart if the knight dies.
wanted to play it but lm on mobile... have you tried bitsy? l made my game with it its really good you might like it! lll try to test your game when im on dekstop but very cool pixel work!!